Modern Slavery Statement September 2024
As required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement describes the approach of and
steps taken by Forshaw Security Solutions Ltd trading as CEFSS during the financial year ending on August 2024 in relation to the detection and prevention of slavery and human
trafficking in our own business.
Modern Slavery Statement
We have a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and we are
committed to ensuring that our business operates in a socially responsible way. We are
committed to playing our part in helping the world to improve practices designed to action
slavery and human trafficking.
Our Culture
We are dedicated to implementing and maintaining the highest standards of behaviour, ethics
and integrity among our workforce. We have created a culture where adherence to these
standards is recognised and rewarded. Our Code of Conduct establishes these standards and
addresses subjects such as integrity, conflicts of interest and non-discrimination. Employees
are trained annually on our Code of Conduct rules.
We conduct our business at all times in accordance with certain guiding principles which
represent the high standards that we set ourselves and exemplify the ethos and values which
we seek to inculcate in all of our employees. The importance of transparency, and positive challenge is vital to us.
Our Employees
We employ people from a diverse range of backgrounds who all share, and subscribe to, the
ambitions and values of our business.
The maintenance of exemplary professional and ethical standards is extremely important to
us and the way in which we conduct our business, and employees are aware of the possibility
of sanction in the event of contraventions of, or non-compliance with, them. Our company director
is trained to deal with concerns raised by or about our employees lawfully, promptly and
Our Policies, Processes and Procedures
We are committed to act with integrity in all of our business activities and to comply with all
applicable laws and regulations to which we are subject. Our relevant policies include those
relating to:
• anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing;
• conflicts of interest;
• anti-bribery and corruption;
• ongoing supplier risk/impact assessments and due diligence on proposed and existing
service providers to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our
supply chains;
• those to support an inclusive, open and tolerant workplace environment; and
• those relating to the raising of concerns or poor practice by our employees and those
with whom we deal.
These policies, processes and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure they are fit for
purpose and, where relevant, compliant with the latest modern slavery guidelines.
We are committed to acting ethically in all our business relationships and implementing and
enforcing effective systems and controls which make it clear that we do not tolerate slavery
and/or human trafficking within our supply chains and would seek to terminate any relationship
with a supplier where evidence of the same occurred.
Given the nature of our business, we do not consider that we operate in a sector where modern
slavery and human trafficking are particularly prevalent or of high risk, however a small
proportion of our service providers have business operations within geographical locations
that do represent an elevated risk, and as part of our procurement process we ask suppliers
for their Modern Slavery Statement where applicable. We utilise a supplier assurance
programme that is designed to provide reasonable assurance that our supply chain services
partners comply with, and are aligned to, our values and our commitment to ensure that there
is no slavery or human trafficking arising in our supply chains or in any part of our business
and are assessed on this basis during the procurement process.
We have not, to date, had any reportable incidents of non-compliance with our Statement since
first published.